Showing posts with label Yellowstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yellowstone. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yellowstone Scenes

For this weeks Scenic Sunday I am sharing some different scenes from Yellowstone. If you never been to Yellowstone I would highly recommend making this trip. My header shot shows horseback riders that left out of the Roosevelt Lodge area. You can take two hour horseback rides or they have wagonrides which includes a cookout dinner.

If you stay at this Inn you would be within walking distance of OLD FAITHFUL. We stayed in the Snow Lodge cabins located around the other side of Old Faithful but still within walking distance.

Peeps already in wait for the big show put on by the famous OLD FAITHFUL.




It wouldn't be Yellowstone without some BUFFALO

I hope you enjoyed my scenes from Yellowstone and to see more wonderful and beautiful scenes go and visit the Holleys at:    Scenic Sunday

Thanks to the Holley for hosting Scenic Sunday and thanks for stopping by my blog.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Teton Grizzly

I have said before that I love Yellowstone and the Tetons and seeing the wildlife there is awesome. During our last trip we had an awesome sighting of the Grizzly bear in the Tetons National park. We had just left the lodge after checking out some female moose and her young when we sighted the Grizzly crossing the road. We were actually able to watch it strolling along for what seemed like a good amount of time.  We were just about the only people there until maybe one other car drove into the parking lot.

Bears are my favorite critters and it was a cool experience to see this Grizzly. Thanks for stopping by my blog and to see more cute critters go and visit Misty Dawn at camera-critters

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More scenes from Yellowstone

I believe Yellowstone is one of the most scenic places I have ever been. It is a very photogenic park.
These are two of my favorite scenes. The first two photos are from two different trips to Yellowstone. I tried to recreate the first shot because I love it so but the steam just wasn't around the second time. One is of  a stranger and the second is my hubby sitting on a bench, the sky and colors are amazing.

For more beautiful scenic Sunday photos please click on my link located on the sidebar.
Also a big thanks to our host of Scenic Sunday and thanks to you for stopping by my blog.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Camera Critters. another critter from Yellowstone

Seeing animals was high on my list of things to do when we were in Yellowstone and the Tetons National parks. Both parks are rated in the top ten for wildlife viewing. For this weeks camera critter I am posting my photos of the Moose. I just love these animals, there is just something about them and makes them a
cool critter.

It was in the Tetons and we were walking a loop trail about Heron pond or Swan lake. This is where we came across this big guy and his female was not far off. It was my coolest sighting of the trip. This big Moose was eating something in the water and then he would lift his head back up and look towards us and there was the famous MOOSE DROOL. We sat and watch this big guy for awhile, we also noticed he wore a collar. I can only assume the park service was tracking this guy, I am not sure.

This is his women, I assume. She got mad and walked away. Maybe because he was showing off.

I had a few different moose sightings but for me the Moose drool sighting was the coolest.

Sometimes I got shots like this one, this big guy was walking away.

Thanks for checking out my blog and my Moose critter. Thanks to the host Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters, I love looking at everyone's critters.
Please click on my Camera Critter link to see more wonderful critters.

Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, Nov 2023

 Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, November 5-9th 2023 Hubby and I enjoyed a short getaway to Turks and Caicos. It is a British territory, close ...

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