Showing posts with label Cape May. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cape May. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cape May, New Jersey


 I am sharing an overnight visit to Cape May/Atlantic City, New Jersey earlier in July. It was a pretty day to visit Cape May and the beach, I think I even got a little sunburnt.

A mosaic of the Cape May wildlife: Top Row is the Purple Martin house, Halloween Pennant Dragonfly, Sarah Fogartya Wren. Second Row : Black Crowned Night Heron, Muskrat, Bunny, Third Row: Least Tern, Oystercatcher, Black Skimmers. Bottom Row: Blue Grosbeak, Mute Swan, possibly Forster's Terns.

For my Skywatch shot, the Cape May lighthouse and the Purple Martin birdhouse.

You have to look closely for this fence, just a white string tied to the area closed sign. This is to protect the birds nesting on the beach and dunes.

Another sky shot,  hubby and I sat on our beach chairs watching the waves. A few dolphins swimming by and the planes with their advertisements.

The Least Terns recognizable with the white spot on their foreheads. LOL, do birds even have foreheads? My birds posts are just for fun and I hope the serious birders do not find my post on the birds, their birdie parts and or how I type their names unacceptable. I guess they are skipping the part, that I admit I am blogging just for fun, I am an amateur photographer and I must admit sometimes I might miss a spelling error or put a dash on a bird's name when it does not belong.

Which leads me to bird slang, are you a birder or a birdwatcher? Maybe you are a twitcher or a dude.  Definition of a Dude: a low-keyed birdwatching hobbyist with a lack of devotion or enthusiasm.  A dude, really? Why bother birdwatching if you are not enthused with the birds? I love all the birds and wildlife, my favorite thing to do is go out and look for any species of wildlife. Maybe I am not understanding the definition of a Dude, could I be a dude-woman? I found this link with bird slang check it out Bird slang

A fence scene and a happy couple walking down the trail to the beach.  I hope you enjoyed our Cape May visit.

I hope you enjoyed my post and photos. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cape May and the New Jersey Shore


May 4th....Happy 24th Anniversary to my hubby!

Hubby and I celebrated our 24th anniversary a little early, we headed to Cape May & Atlantic City NJ on Thursday for an overnight getaway.. We had a great time walking around the Cape May beach near the lighthouse and on the trails..

A foggy lighthouse scene and some scenic views from the park trails and a Yellow Warbler.

 A pretty male Yellow Warbler singing..


Above one of many Yellow Rump Warblers, Brown thrasher, Eastern Kingbird, Mute Swan, turtle, Cardinal, Chipping Sparrow and Mallard Ducks.


We saw a lot of the Yellow Rump Warblers in Cape May.

Above is a cute Piping Plover and an American Oystercatcher and some Sanderlings on the beach.

The fog and misty weather was clear before we left the Cape May Lighthouse Park. Hubby and I joke about how the weather always clears up whenever I go on a trip.. Cape May was just the start of our getaway, I will have more photos to share later in the week. Thanks for stopping by and for the comments.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cape May, New Jersey

These are from our New Jersey trip 2012 to  Cape May and the Jersey shore trip. It was a beautiful day with a gorgeous sky and weather. One of our favorite spots in Cape May is the Cape May Lighthouse beach.


There is a boardwalk that meanders thru the Cape May park.  Cape May is a great place for birding. There are always great birds to see in Cape May. The sky was a beautiful blue and not a cloud in the sky.

 Not sure what this plant is, it looks very similar to the Queen Anne's Lace. I liked this shot with the pretty white flower against the very blue sky.

Looking into the sun, I found a juvie Oriole along the boardwalk trail.

Right next to the juvie Oriole, we saw this Common Yellowthroat Warbler.

At one of the viewing sections of the boardwalk we were able to watch this Green Heron hunting for food.

The Lighthouse Beach Park looked mostly empty but there were some other people there.

 One of my favorite views of the Cape May Lighthouse.
Thanks for visiting, have a great day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cape May, New Jersey

 I have a little of my Cape May birding from last weekend. Hubby and I took an overnight trip to the Jersey shores last weekend and stopped at a few of the birding places that are known to be good in the spring time.

In this mosaic I have the Purple Martin birdhouse and the Cape May Lighthouse, Swallowtail butterfly, one of the many bunnies we saw,  a few baby geese, and the beach.

We practically had the beach to ourselves.

A mute swan on the trail, swan in flight, Terns and Laughing Gulls, Egret, Oystercatcher and a Coot

This a Great Egret you can id this Egret by the large yellow bill.

I hope you enjoyed my Cape May photos.    I hope everyone has a great day.

Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, Nov 2023

 Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, November 5-9th 2023 Hubby and I enjoyed a short getaway to Turks and Caicos. It is a British territory, close ...

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