Sunday, July 23, 2017

Emma Colley's Random Travels

A Photoblog post of my random travels.

"Keep calm and travel on."

During our Washington State trip we had some spare time while waiting for the ferry to take us from Coupeville to Port Townsend. We used our time to visit the Fort Casey State Park and the Admiralty Lighthouse which was nearby the ferry terminal.

I thought this was the cutest lighthouses I have ever seen, my photo makes it look like it is a miniature model.

I will never be as good as Sandra the Mad Snapper with her fun photo edits, but this LunaPic was an easy edit below called Landscape. I like how it changed my dreary sky that was in the original photo.

A view from the grounds of the Fort Casey park and lighthouse.  Sorry about my dreary photos, we had gray cloudy skies on the day of our ferry ride to Port Townsend.

The beach near the ferry terminal at Coupeville, Washington

A view from the ferry.

Looking back at the Admiralty Lighthouse on top of the cliff.

I am sharing some of my random travel photos, this is not only for my followers but more of a reminder for me and my hubby of where we have been and what we have seen over the years. All good memories for us, I hope you enjoy too.

" We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone." unknown

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your day!


  1. this might be the most beautiful lighthouse I have ever seen. it would nice to live in this one, and the view back, oh my what a gorgeous place it is in.... I love the edit and landscape is one of my favorite filters.

    1. Hello Sandra, it is my favorite lighthouse. The view was awesome too. I think I will be playing around the Lunapic and Landscape edit too. Thanks for the comment. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  2. Replies
    1. Hello, Diane! Thanks so much for the comment. It was a cute lighthouse. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  3. It is a delightful lighthouse. I would sooner be there under grey skies looking at those views than at home,as I am now, looking at the grey skies.

    1. Hello, thanks for the nice comment and visit. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  4. Gosh that second photo is incredible you did very well! I would hang that in my house! Of course I'm a fan of lighthouses always have been. It goes with being born and raised in Michigan I think! Great place again, you both go to the best of the best and even better is when you share it with us too!

    1. Hello Karen, I am a fan of lighthouses too. Maybe someday I will see some in Michigan. Thanks for the comemnt and visit. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  5. Yes, it's very unusual lighthouse! I like it very much!)

    1. Hello, it is a cute lighthouse. Thanks so much for your visit and comment. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  6. That's is a beautiful lighthouse and keeper's building. I think the grey day makes the photos even MORE beautiful!

    1. Hello Dee, I love lighthouses. It is a beautiful building. Thanks for the comment and visit. I hope you are having a great day!

  7. is there any thing better than a lighthouse? some of my most favorite travel sights to see. so gorgeous!! love the style. i know the technology of the water ways has moved so forward ... but i hope that they will continue to keep these looking great, and all that jazz. happy week to ya, Emma Colley!! take care. ( ;

    1. Hello Franchesca Stones, I would enjoy traveling just to see lighthouses. Each one I see has a different style and color. Thanks for your visit and comment. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  8. This is a very beautiful lighthouse. Have a fabulous day!

    1. Thanks, Sharron Murphy! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  9. Cudowna latarnia.Pierwszy raz taka widzę. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

    1. Hello, thanks so much for the comment. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!

  10. 'Keep calm and travel on' rules my life too - I always love the quotes you find. This lighthouse is great, they are always so alluring aren't they? I think it is a combination of their beauty and the tales they could tell that and their settings in areas of beauty that make lighthouses something that we all love to see - fun edits too!
    Have a great week Emma Colley!
    Wren x

    1. Hello, Wren! You are quite the traveler. I love the lighthouses and the coastal settings. Thank you for the visit and comment. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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