Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sitka National Historical Park

March 13, 2014

 I am linking up with  Oh, the places I've been @ Tablescaper   and check out  Linses Cotton's  Scenic Weekend   And Friday Postcards

I have done many post on our trips to various National Parks in the USA, I wanted to do one I missed on the  Sitka National Historical Park. The park is within walking distance of the cruise ship docks.

The photos in this post are from my archives but I realized I never posted much on our stop in Sitka.  We had one day to see and do as much as we could.  We paid for a tour which took hubby, son and I on a guided hike thru a pretty forest. After our guided hike, we still had time to explore we decided to check out the Totem Pole trail in the Sitka Nat'l Historical Park. The photos above show the Totem trail, it is one mile long in a beautiful temperate rainforest and includes the Indian River estuary. 

Originally the poles were donated by various village leaders to the governor of Alaska for the people of Alaska.. The poles were on exhibit in the 1904 St Louis World's Fair and then the poles were shipped to Sitka to be erected in a goverment park. Since 1904 the original poles deteriorated and replicas were carved.  At the time of our visit the poles on the trail were replicas. 

The Totem Poles tell a story about the people who carved them. On the right is a replica of the Raven/Shark Pole..showing at the top is a Raven then a shark or dogfish, a wolf or a fox and a bear used at the base figure.

There are 15 stops along the trail each displaying a totem pole.

On the left totem pole is the Wolf Pole. The top figure is a man possibly a village watchman, the middle figure is a wolf and the bottom is a salmon.  The wolf and salmon may represent the clan's crest symbols.   On the right is the Raven Memorial Pole, the oldest type of totem pole. A memorial pole is in honor of an individual either living or dead.

We were able to complete the Totem Trail and walk back to our cruise ship. I hope your enjoyed our walk and the cool Totem can see that they each have a story to tell.

Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy day!

I hope you enjoyed my post.  I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.  

 Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate your comments. Thanks for stopping by to see my post and thanks to Linses Cotton for hosting Scenic Weekends. also thank to Alma the host @ The Tablescaper
And Keryn from Friday Postcards


  1. definitely need to see this in person. gorgeous park. wow!! love the totem poles ... reminds me of my brothers Boy Scout days. those trees are huge & looks like a great hiking spot. ( :

  2. Hi There, We are home from George's fabulous birthday trip. I will blog about it tomorrow. It was truly a trip we will be talking about for a VERY long time!!!!

    We still haven't been to Alaska, but my son worked there for awhile. He sent us some great photos of the Totem Poles...


  3. such lovely shots esp the woodland path

  4. love the totem poles, both in my birth country Borneo, and my adopted country, New Zealand, there are totem poles too.

  5. Beautiful photos. My kind of vacation place. I love the totems.

  6. How interesting! It's been a very long time since I've seen a totem pole. Take care - Dawn @ We Call It
    History & Home link party, Tue-Fri, weekly

  7. Oh what a lovely place Emma Colley!!What a beautiful park!!An interesting place to visit!!Great shots!!I like the totem poles!!Thank you for sharing!Have a lovely weekend!

  8. The carvings are so detailed Emma Colley, I would love to see them for real. One day!

  9. ✿⊱°•

    Lugar muito agradável e interessante para um passeio!!!

    °º。♪♫Bom fim de semana!°。♪♬
    Beijinhos✿♫° ·.

  10. What lovely totem poles! You are such a traveler.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  11. I love the captures of the woods and Totem poles. This looks like a wonderful place to visit...maybe some day! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Beautiful photos! Sitka is one of our favorite cruise ports. We loved our visit to this park and the totem poles were so wonderful to see.

  13. Beautiful. We are (hopefully) planning a camping trip to Alaska this summer.

  14. Lovely charming colorful and quaint totem poles !


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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