Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Tetons are Grand

I am pulling more photos from my archives for Tricia's Watery Wednesday II

 A hike around Jenny Lake or you can take one of the boats across the lake and then hike to the waterfalls.

 Oxbow Bend, Grant Teton reflection. I hope you enjoyed my quick trip, lol to the Grand Tetons.

To see more watery scenes from around the world, check out Tricia's Watery Wednesday II. Thanks to Tricia for hosting, have a wonderful evening a I hope the rest of the week is a happy one.


  1. They are quite majestic aren't they!
    Love that mirrored reflection and the first shot is lovely as well.
    Hope you're having a great evening Emma Colley!

  2. These are beautiful photos. I love the mountain reflection in the second one. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  3. I have never been in this place but some day I might go.

    These are very excellent photographs with fascinating reflections!

  4. Oh My Heart.... The boat wasn't running in Sept. when we were there ---and there was so much smoke from wildfires that we could barely see the Tetons. We need to go back. Which month were you there???? GORGEOUS photos.

  5. Love these. They bring back memories of my trip to the Tetons. My first look at them was at Oxbow Bend.

  6. I have never seen a mountain in person, so I really love seeing these pictures you all get to take on your trips!

  7. Super reflections. You are reminding me of our trip there. Fabulous place.

  8. I can see a dog face on top of the mountain.

  9. Simply beautiful, Emma Colley! I'm adding the Grand Tetons as well as Glacier National Park to my bucket list!
    Christmas blessings, Franchesca Stones

  10. Yes ma'am, I enjoyed it! I always, always welcome pics of The Tetons in every single bit of their grandeur! I love it there... my grandparents took me when I was a kid & I'd love to go back!

    Thank you muches & bunches, Emma Colley! =)

  11. That second image is like something out of a glossy magazine. I'm truly in awe. Stunning.

  12. I love the Tetons, and Jenny Lake is just so amazing. Great shots!

  13. Wonderful snowy panorama! Gorgeous scenes!

  14. Beautiful!! The reflection shot is just gorgeous!!

  15. Amazing reflection in the second capture:)

  16. hope to get back there again one day. gorgeous area. such lovely shots. ( :

  17. So beautiful! The last time I was there, the Tetons were fogged over and we could not see a thing.

  18. Replies
    1. What a gorgeous view filled with grand, majestic mountains.

  19. I really like how you captured the reflection of the mountains in the river bend.

  20. Fabulous views and reflections, such a big patch of the horizon to appreciate. Thank you for your kind comments on my post.

  21. Hello Emma Colley, Fabulous mountain. I love all the nature. Hugs. Ailime

  22. They are grand indeed, fantastic photos.

  23. Wonderful photos,Emma Colley! Merry christmas to you & your family!

  24. You sure get about! I love travelling with you!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  25. A majestic mountain scene I would dearly love the see in person.
    Thanks for letting me look over your shoulder.

    Merry Christmas, Emma Colley.

  26. Magnificent photography of majestic mountains and reflections ~ Merry Christmas ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor) ~ aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^

  27. Awesome. So nice to see the reflection in th eater. Such lovely serenity of the place.

  28. amazing view of nature! thanks for the visit and the wishes! I wish you and ur family too all the best in this holiday season!

  29. Hi my friend :)
    from our home to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas !
    by Myriam ♡

  30. your reflections are beautiful. How's winter in Maryland

  31. What a stunning reflection Emma Colley. Happy New Year to you.

  32. Teton range looks pretty much like our mountains up in the north of Sweden.

  33. Beautiful pictures, but the name of the mountain makes me laugh, because "Tetons" are the nibbles of a breast, lol !

  34. I love mountains and you have captured them magnificently. Happy New Year to you!

  35. wow..fantastic.
    thank you for being there for me. I will not forget your support.
    Happy New Year, full of joy, health and God’s Blessings!

  36. Look at that mountain!! Oh dear!!:) Amazing!

    Happy new year to you:))

  37. that second image is just too beautiful!! makes me want to go there soon!!

  38. One of my favorite places!
    Love the 2nd photo.

  39. Hi!!!. Fantastic place.. Great photos and Bolg.. Greetings..

  40. Yes, grand. and I especially like the summer grand of it.

  41. Wonderful light, excellent location, delicious frames, these pictures are beautiful.


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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