Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lighthouse & Chincoteague Island, Virginia

These are some scenes from Chincoteague Island Virginia and the Assateague National Seashore for my Scenic Sunday  post. To see more scenic shots from around the world click on my link.

The view from the top of the lighthouse. There were free climbs to the top celebrating  the 144th  birthday of the lighthouse.

This shot above you can see the wildlife drive and the Atlantic Ocean.

I hope you enjoyed my views of the Assateague Lighthouse on the Chincoteague NWR. To see more beautiful scenes from around the world check out Scenic Sunday.  Thanks to the host of Scenic Sunday and also thank you for stopping by to see my Scenic post. Have a great weekend!


  1. I love it - great shots and perspectives. Lighthouses are one of the things I miss about living near the ocean.

  2. It sure doesn't look like it's 144!! I'd have been glad of the railing if I'd made it to the top - great view, but also great vertigo opportunity!!

  3. love this wetland. But the lighthouse almost makes me dizzy. :)

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Great views. I especially love the textures on the lighthouse! Kudos!

  5. The view from the top of the lighthouse is stunning! Worth the climb! Beautiful photographs! Happy Sunday!

  6. Lovely scenery! I like the perspective in the lighthouse shots.

  7. Hi there - that looks like a great place - history, wildlife and views - one only needs coffee and cake and the world would be in harmony!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  8. Beautiful photos, love your shot of the lighthouse!

  9. Great capture!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. Oh, my, this is quite a light house! Great views from the top! I've had my first experience, the spiral stairs, and the steepness. It was well worth it!

  11. I like your shots of the light house, and the view is terrific!

  12. This is such a lovely place within our state, Emma Colley. Beautiful captures of teh scenery. I so enjoy lighthouses.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  13. I definitely enjoyed these shots... the lighthouse is beautiful & oh so tall... it looks higher looking down than looking up... isn't that funny! =)

  14. In New Zealand, many light house are computerized. But they are useless if sailors ignore signs and charts as is happening to our Rena disaster.

  15. What a lovely place to visit! The light house is beautiful.

  16. She looks great for 144! What a beautiful sight, love your photographs!
    Hope your week is wonderful.

  17. Like your lighthouse shots and what a great view!!

  18. Goodness, you could frame these :) I love the chippy paint on the lighthouses :) XOL

  19. What beautiful lighthouse! The photos are divine. Can't wait to see more!
    New Follower

  20. I just love lighthouses! This one is wonderful and I love all the views you posted. Makes me yearn for the Atlantic Ocean. :) Kit

  21. That's a really tall lighthouse and what a view it provides. Great shots you've got here. Thanks for visiting my scenic Sunday.

  22. Love Lighthouse shots! ~ Excellent photos ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  23. I would love to see this place after seeing your enticing photos.

  24. Love lighthouses and your pics are wonderful. Just noticed the moasaics that change in your sidebar!! Gorgeous am enjoying them loads and wandering how you did cool.


  25. There is something special about being able to visit a lighthouse and imaging the lives of those who tended it.

  26. Great shots with lovely vistas of the ponies and "wild" side of the island. It's a great place to visit.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  27. Really like the tower! It looks old and yet a survivor :)

  28. Nice lighthouse photos, they always look like they have a story to tell don't they!

  29. Especially like the perspective of the first two photos.


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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