Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bermuda's Crystal Cave

I am linking my Bermuda's Crystal Cave with Scenic Sunday. I have not shown all my Bermuda photos and I thought our visit to the Crystal Caves would be a great post. After our three hour tour of the island we asked to be dropped off at the Crystal Caves. Hubby loves spleunking so I thought a tour of these caves would be perfect for him. We had time to get a quick bite to eat while we waited for the next tour. I was happy sitting at the tables outside watching the birds we waited. 

We had a nice tour guide during our visit to the caves, he told us the story about how the caves were originally found. The story goes two 12 year old boys looking for their lost cricket ball that fell down into a hole. The boys follow the ball down into the hole and discovered the cave. Crystal Cave got its name from the deep crystal pools in the cave.

The water is so clear you can see the bottom of the cave floor.

I am pretty sure these formations are called straws.

There were floating bridges so we could walk back further into the cave. It was pretty cool checking out all the formations.

More formations in the water and reflections.

I hope you enjoyed my Bermuda Crystal Caves post and to see more click  Scenic Sunday .  Thanks to the host of Scenic Sunday the Holleys. Thank You for visiting my post and blog, as always I appreciate the visits and the comments.  Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Wow, this is an experience. I have never been anywhere "underground" on coves. The pointed spires look like ice.

  2. Awesome pixz of the crystal cave with the crystal clear water and lovely stalactite reflected on water. tQ.

  3. What an amazing place! Really beautiful, the formations, the reflections.

  4. Oh, just beautiful, but I couldn't go underground! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, beautiful photos of the cave. Love the reflection of the stalactite on the water. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

  6. Boy..sorry I've been behind in visiting!
    We have many caves here with stlactites..more spooky while these look enchanting with the beautiful blue reflections- a terrific share!!
    I read the story about the elephants, both sad and still encouraging about the milk. Gosh, so many good things about coconut huh! Thanks Emma Colley- was an informative post. Wishing you a peaceful and stress free day tomorrow-

  7. What an absolutely beautiful cave, so many soda straws on the ceiling. Love the idea of all that water making this a living cave.

  8. Fantastic! Love this kind of caves, although I'm a bit claustrophobic... :-) The colour of the water is amazing!

  9. Simply breathtaking, Emma Colley. I have never been to Bermuda...Christine

  10. wow, its awesome...thanks to your beautiful pictures I got to this..

    thanks for the visit :)

  11. I have been there! It is so beautiful. We have been traveling to Bermuda, off and on, for about thirty years. It is a beautiful island and the snorkeling is great.
    We were a year ago for the first tine in about eight years. I thought Hamilton had really changed a lot. There were a lot of closed storefronts. I hope the bad economy is not hurting them like it is us.
    Crystal Cave was the first cave my youngest daughter had ever seen. She talked about it for years.
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful site and your pictures are great. Tinger

  12. This is indeed a memorable experience to be in this place. A cool place.

    Bacolod and Beyond

  13. Wow...I'm so amazed...
    Bermuda Crystal Caves are fantastic!

  14. Beautiful...
    We have been to the huge CARLSBAD CAVERNS in NM and LOVED it.

  15. The place is amazingly beautiful. I haven't been in a cave in a long time. Beautiful photos as always. I enjoyed them so much.

  16. A truly beautiful post! Breathtaking views of the inside of the cave. I loved all the photos!

  17. Excellent adventure and beautiful photo set.

  18. Gorgeous Emma Colley... I love both of your blogs and keep switching around... The Crystal Cave post is marvelous.. What a beautiful place! I've been in caves before --but this is one of the prettiest ones for sure. Thanks!

  19. You got remarkable pictures in that cave -- which is very hard to do! I've enjoyed the different caves we've toured, but would be afraid to go into them alone. My cricket ball would have just remained lost forever!

  20. i've been to several caves here but haven't seen one with water yet as deep and as clear as in here. awesome photos.

  21. Thanks for this beautiful tour! I enjoyed it immensely! The photos are excellent.We were once in a cave in Great Britain, Wales and in New Zealand, the latter had thousands of glowworms.
    Well Emma Colley! Happy Sky Watch and a great weekend.

  22. Wow amazingly beautiful!! Love it Emma Colley and thanks for the visit. Happy weekend!

  23. yes, those are straws. I like visiting caves, some people don't.

    I was proud of the Mulu Caves and when I went was the biggest caves in the world. Now, it seems they found bigger caves in Vietnam. So I will have to find some money to go there.

  24. Amazing nature beauty. Thanks for sharing with us.

  25. Emma Colley, Thank you so much for visiting my friend, Marian's garden. Have a great week. Ginger

  26. I for got to tell you. The crow is made from a shovel, rake, rebar and some other implement. I bought it at a little man's house in Tennessee. He had them in his garage. Thanks for your visit. Ginger

  27. This reminds «Louis» of childhood visits to Carlsbad Caverns.

  28. Wow Emma Colley amazing shots and the water is stunning... thought I was following but made sure this time!!



  29. · Good photos you share with us. Thanks for your comment.

    · Salud·os

    CristalRasgado & LaMiradaAusente

  30. These photos are just stunning!

    Thanks for visiting and enjoying my paintings.

  31. glad I came here to your travel blog. I love this kind of caves. And this one seems rather large and very beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. :)

  32. Wow! What a spectacular cave. Bermuda is definitely on our 'Bucket List'.

  33. What amazing pictures!

  34. I was missing you: now I know why: the fotos...are amazing...and I was needing something to clear my day!

    Thank You!

  35. Oh gosh, these photos are terrific, and you have an amazing adventure.

  36. wow, wonderful! I am impressed with the color of the water, a little paradise!

  37. Your captures are alays so exciting & impressive, sweetie. Love them all.

    Happy New Year blessings ~
    TTFN ~


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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