Thursday, July 21, 2011

SWF>>>>Sunset on the bay

For my Skywatch Friday I have sunset photos from our cruise to Bermuda. We enjoyed the sunset on the Chesapeake Bay on the first night of the cruise from Baltimore to Bermuda.

The Cheseapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the England and approximately 200 miles long. It lies off the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by Maryland and Virginia. Noted for its beauty it does have environmental issues like over fishing and crabbing.

I hope you enjoyed my sunset on the Chesapeake Bay and
 to see more beautiful skies from around the world please visit Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to the hosting group: Sylvia, Wren, Sandy and Klaus.

Also, thanks for stopping by to visit with me and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


  1. Always something special about a sunset over water, the colors, reflection and size.

  2. I never tire of sunsets. Such beautiful colours here.

  3. The sun is orange in color, in hazy days.

    I breeze in smoke everyday.

  4. Lovely shots Emma Colley. What a way to start your holiday.

  5. The sparkles of the second shot are truly wonderful!

  6. beautiful shots. that's a bonus with cruising one gets to watch the sunset in the front row seat.

    My sky is here

  7. These are all fantastic shots. The sky in all it's glory over the water.

  8. Breathtaking way to end the day and start your vacation, Emma Colley! I do love that incredible path across the water! Awesome captures as always! Enjoy your weekend!


  9. Beautiful Emma Colley. I love how the sun looks like a star in the first ones and the glorious colour in the other two photos. Happy SWF!

  10. I like that you continued to take photos to capture the sunset over Chesapeake Bay in stages. What a wonderful site!

    Thanks for the visit!

  11. beautiful sunset Emma Colley. lovely reflections in the water.

  12. Ooooh- a cruise to Bermuda--sounds great. Absolutely gorgeous skies and reflections on the ocean. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  13. I enjoyed your photos every much. Thank you for sharing them. Happy Weekend Emma Colley.

  14. Whoa! A blessing!
    Beautiful captures.

  15. great captures

    Pheno Menon

  16. Gorgeous sunsets. Love the reflection.

  17. Beautiful sunset! And some great shots of birds and lilies from Bermuda. In addition to the backroads, their are lots of trails in the various parks on Catoctin and South mountains.

  18. Beautiful sunset photos and my favourite are the last two.

  19. What a stunning sunset!

  20. Magic and so warming that last one! Just wonderful photos and sunset.

  21. Great shots Emma Colley. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  22. Vivid colors! I have taken diner cruises on the Bay. It is lovely.

    Sarah Fogartya Mts

  23. Great photos! The colours of the sunset over the water are wonderful! They make me feel warm and cosy!
    Have a nice weekend ahead!

  24. A long time ago I read athe historical novel Chesapeake Bay by Jame Michener... and wish I could remember more than the title! These are lovely images of a gorgeous sunset, Emma Colley!

  25. So beautiful -- such a wonderful start to your cruise!! And hey, we've at least seen part of your cruise (although not from that wonderful angle!)

  26. Those first two just took my breath away. Wow!

  27. Travel with Emma Colley? If this is what we'll see that's good enough for me!.....

    For now though thanks for sharing your vacation!....:)

  28. I don´t know which one is more it

  29. Oh my goodness, Emma Colley, these are gorgeous. What an awesome cruise, I'd love to go from Baltimore to Bermuda... I'd love to go from anywhere to Bermuda! Did you see the underwater road, The Bimini Road? That's the 1st place I'd hit if I had the chance to go there! =)

    Thanks so much for stopping by =)

  30. Stunning shots! What a great cruise that had to be!

  31. Hi Emma Colley,
    What gorgeous sunsets. I so enjoy your traveling adventures!

  32. That's an awesome marine sunset - great shots!


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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