Thursday, March 3, 2011 home & work

For my Skywatch Friday I am showing various scenes from different days starting with the cresent moon on my way to work and a sunset from my backyard. 

                                City Hall's dome

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky".

Rabindranath Tagore ...found this lovely quote from Brainy Quote

This quote is just right for my photo below is not sharp but I really love the blue color of the sky and the awesome looking clouds. The building in the middle is the War Memorial building in Baltimore.

Sunrising behind the Shot Tower

Now we are back in my yard watching the sun setting.

 I hope you enjoyed following me to work and back home. To see more wonderful skies please visit Skywatch Friday

Thanks to the host: Sylvia, Wren, Sandy, Klaus and Fishing Guy.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend......ENJOY!!!


  1. Yes, the blue sky and the cloud design are really beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very nice skies.. and the Moon in the first is fantastic!)

  3. I always find it hard to believe that people in Other places have to go to work before the sun is up.It was interesting following you to work and back but I'm glad I didn't have to work too.

  4. You do see some interesting things in the sky on the way to work and back.

  5. Wondrous skies Emma Colley!

    Happy weekend ahead.


  6. Good sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Terrific collection of sky shots, Emma Colley and I do love the words of Tagore -- almost used the same ones today! Do love your beautiful skies! Have a wonderful weekend!


  8. Love the cresent moon and the wispy clouds!
    The blue sky and clouds over the city look a little ominous like the kind in a Sci-fi movie - but it's awesome.

    Carletta's Captures

  9. Great captures Emma Colley, my favorite is the night shots!

  10. You have various shades in you sky, great quotes too.
    I like Tagore's quote so perfect for 'cloud' shots.

  11. Beautiful night views. Each one better than the other.

  12. Nice set of photos, Emma Colley. I especially like the photo of the dome. Have a great weekend!

  13. wonderful series, very nice photos
    Great posting for skywatch

    Have a nice weekend

  14. I loved sharing your day! And you had some awe inspiring skies.

    You are amazing to do your beautiful blogs while still working a full day. I forget sometimes that people still have 9-5 jobs! (my kids love it when I say something like that ;>)..... seriously, I can't imagine that I would have had time to blog back in the dark ages when I still worked every day.

    I'm so glad you do and thank you for sharing your days.

  15. so beautiful...I like the moon shot...:) Glad to be here. Hope you can check out my ENTRY too!

  16. Great light effects in all of them. Amazing photo of the Capitol at night!

  17. Awe, the sliver of a moon! My absolute favorite moon!!!
    Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing!
    Have a fabulous weekend!
    Debbie's Travels

  18. I especially like the first one... Happy weekend to you !

  19. Beautiful shots,i love the one at the war memorial.

  20. Great series of photos. I especially love the night shots.

  21. Great photos, Emma Colley! My favorite is the shot of the moon....Christine

  22. Wow, you've some really great sky photos here Emma Colley ;-)

  23. Beautiful, beautiful shots of the sky and each one is so different from the others!


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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