Thursday, December 24, 2009

Teton skies

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays! I am not sure if Skywatch is happening this week but I will post my skywatch photos just in case.
This week's skywatch I am continuing my Yellowstone-Tetons theme from my previous two post. I have some shots I took of the Tetons. Two are views of the Teton mountains from the road and one is from our Jenny lake hike. We have taken the boat ride across the lake to do the hike to the waterfall and we have also taken the hike around the lake. The scenery is just awesome, another reason why I love this place so much.

The sky was a pretty blue with just some white puffy clouds around. A great day for a hike.

To see some more wonderful skywatch photos go to Skywatch Friday

Thanks for visiting my blog and checking out my Teton skies. Also, thanks to the hosting team of  Sylvia, Sandy, Wren, Louise, Klaus, and Fishing Guy.


  1. This is just beautiful! Love the mountain:-)
    Wish you a blessed Christmas!

  2. Nice blue skies and great scenery.

  3. I always loved bluesky,its beautiful! Merry christmas to y0u!

  4. This place is great!!! I like more the second one. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

  5. I think I like this place as well. Your beautiful top photo looks like a postcard.
    Merry Christmas.

  6. Happy Holidays.. Looks like we have the mountains covered for this skywatch LOL

  7. i feel really peace of mind... when look at the blue sky.

    Merry Christmas to you and Your family :)

  8. Beautiful Photo's Emma Colley

    Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas

  9. Thank you for sharing such wonderful photos from one of the most beautiful spots on earth. Merry Christmas!

  10. Marvelous skies and mountains, Emma Colley! Wishing you and yours a Joyous, Merry Christmas! Thanks as always for you visit and comment!



  11. Fabulous sequence of beautiful scenery. Wishing you and yours a happy Christmas.

  12. Beautiful views of Teton mountains.

    Merry Christmas.

  13. I love those big, wonderful Wyoming skies. Merry Christmas!

  14. Hi Emma Colley
    Fab photos. Love the mountains. Merry Christmas.

  15. beauiful skies,

    Merry Christmas to you and your family,

    Gill in Canada

  16. What a drive that must have been, hard to keep the eyes on the road! Beautiful photographs.

    Merry Christmas!

  17. There's little better to do in this world than hang around Jackson Hole and the surrounding area--unless, of course, it's hang around the Sierras and Owens Valley. These are lovely, Emma Colley. If you have a chance, and get Sunrise Earth on HDTV, try to catch the Teton sunrise on "Moose in the Morning." Happy Christmas!

  18. Wonderful photos! Beautiful nature!
    Merry Christmas!

  19. gorgeous scenery. i posted mine on wednesday unsure whether there will be a skywatch this week too.

    may you have the merriest christmas and a new year filled with peace and prosperity.

  20. Beautiful majestic mountains and blue sky! Happy Holidays!

  21. I would LOVE to visit this part of the U.S. one day. Beautiful pictures!

  22. Simply stunning shots! What an awesome place.

    Happy Holidays.

  23. Great shots Emma Colley. As always, you have great photos and makes me feel like your 'taking me there'

    Happy holidays to you and to your family.

  24. Beautiful pictures of mountains that I see daily and take - almost - for granted. I was born under the shadows of the Tetons as the sun rose one morning in 1945. Merry Christmas.

  25. Emma Colley: Beautiful views of the mountains in a special place.
    I hope you have a great Christmas and hope you remember the reason for the season.

  26. Merry Christmas, Emma Colley!
    I love the Tetons, although I haven't been there very often--the last time I was there we were driving in a small car, pulling a utility trailer full of camping stuff and some furniture, with two young children. As we drove over the pass toward Yellowstone, we drove into a violent thunderstorm. It was wonderful (I love thunderstorms) and scary at the same time!

  27. Beautiful photos of your spectacular area. It's time to visit again!

    Merry Christmas

  28. Happy Christmas to you Emma Colley

  29. love love love the tetons! great shots! merry christmas to you & your family-

  30. Gorgeous shots of the Tetons Emma Colley! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  31. It is so great to hike at this beautiful place. A total different experience.

    Merry Christmas.

  32. great scenes, dear
    havea nice day

  33. WONDERFUL.........!!!
    Merry Christmas and a wonderful bright Star for you from my SEA....
    ciao elvira

  34. Wonderful photos!
    "Merry christmas" to you and your family!

  35. Great sky hots, Emma Colley. Must have been a nice trip.
    I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Chrsitmas.

  36. Lovely skies - the clouds and snow almost reflect each other!

  37. Lovely pictures both. And very happy Holidays to you.

  38. Thanks for the beautiful views of the Tetons, Emma Colley. I have not seen them in person.

    Merry Christmas and thanks for all your visits and kind comments.
    Hugs and blessing, Pam

  39. Beautiful scenes! Merry Christmas :)

  40. So beautiful, I remember the long and winding road song... Perfect capture!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  41. Awesome captures.
    Merry Christmas Emma Colley!


  42. Gorgeous skies! You got some great shots on your trip through Wyoming.

  43. Agree wit hyou - exquisite scenery!!!


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Emma Colley

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