Showing posts with label Bermuda Cruise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bermuda Cruise. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Emma Colley's Random Travels

Emma Colley's Random Travels..a Photoblog post

" We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone." unknown

I am sharing some of my random travel photos, this is not only for my followers but more of a reminder for me and my hubby of where we have been and what we have seen over the years. All good memories for us, I hope you enjoy too.

Our cruise to Bermuda from Baltimore

Horseshoe Bay Beach in Bermuda

"Life is short and the world is wide." Simon Raven

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your day!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

SWF.....Sunset while cruising

For my Skywatch Friday I am showing some of the sunset photos from our cruise ship. Also, a shot of the moon. We had gorgeous skies while cruising and I enjoy skywatching.  This is most likely the last cruise we will take. We have enjoyed cruising Alaska ,   Western Caribbean , Eastern Caribbean  and this last one to Bermuda.  You can click on my link to see pic's from my previous cruises. But, we really enjoy the fly-drive type vacations. Stopping where we want and as long as we want.

These are in the same sequence as I took them but a few of them are zoomed in closer to the sun.

I like the long line of clouds just hanging over the ocean in this shot below.

I hope you enjoyed my skies and sunset. Take some time and enjoy the beautiful skies from around the world please visit Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to the hosting group: Sylvia, Wren, Sandy and Klaus.

 Also, thanks for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a great weekend and beautiful skies.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

SWF>>>>Sunset on the bay

For my Skywatch Friday I have sunset photos from our cruise to Bermuda. We enjoyed the sunset on the Chesapeake Bay on the first night of the cruise from Baltimore to Bermuda.

The Cheseapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the England and approximately 200 miles long. It lies off the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by Maryland and Virginia. Noted for its beauty it does have environmental issues like over fishing and crabbing.

I hope you enjoyed my sunset on the Chesapeake Bay and
 to see more beautiful skies from around the world please visit Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to the hosting group: Sylvia, Wren, Sandy and Klaus.

Also, thanks for stopping by to visit with me and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

SWF..........Cruising to Bermuda

For my Skywatch Friday I have some shots from our cruise to Bermuda from Baltimore this past week. It was a great vacation for hubby and I and my son and his friend. The first shots I have are of our ship the Enchantment of the Seas going under the Key Bridge and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge here in Maryland.

The Key Bridge
It looks so close! I liked looking at the pretty and puffy white clouds thru the bridge on this shot below

The second bridge over the Chespeake bay is the double span of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

This shot shows the east bound bridge along side the west bound bridge. The sky was perfect for cruising.

This shot below shows the ship is past the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and we are on our way to Bermuda. It was a fun cruise, the weather and the skies were gorgeous all during our vacation .

I hope you enjoyed my skywatch shots and to see more beautiful skies from all around the world
check out Skywatch Friday . Thanks to the hosting gang of Skywatch: Sylvia, Wren, Sandy and Klaus.

Thanks for visiting me and my post. I'll be posting some more pic's soon from our visit to Bermuda. I appreciate all the comments and the visit. Have a great weekend!

Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, Nov 2023

 Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, November 5-9th 2023 Hubby and I enjoyed a short getaway to Turks and Caicos. It is a British territory, close ...

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