Showing posts with label Carlsbad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carlsbad. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Living Desert Zoo Carlsbad, New Mexico

November 9, 2013

 I am linking up with  Oh, the places I've been @ Tablescaper   and check out  Linses Cotton's  Scenic Weekend   And Friday Postcards

 I am sharing some scenes from the Living Desert Zoo in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The Living Desert Zoo exhibits 40 species of native animals and hundreds of species of native plants. These are critters and plants native to the Chihuahuan Desert. There is 1.3 miles of trail, walk along seeing the wildlife, native plants, flowers and of course seeing the native wild birds.

It was in the Aviary, I saw my first Roadrunner. They are quick movers and kind of funny to watch. I did not count this captured bird as a lifer but later in the trip I started seeing the Roadrunners in the wild. I was really surprised to see a lot of House Sparrows in the Aviary.

I love the cute roadrunner and the  hare riding the armadillo?

The Roadrunner in the aviary.

Are these birds are native to New Mexico,  they look like they belong in Costa Rica. They are a cute couple. I do NOT  remember their name, I am guessing the Red-Crowned Parrot.

A display of the pretty native plants.

A Eurasian Collared Dove, not a native but I found it in one of the trees in the zoo.

A cool Mountain Lion seen at the zoo, I did get to see (no photo) a real wild mountain lion at the Bosque Del Apache NWR later in the week.

The Black Bear is another native animal seen in New Mexico..

The Great Horned Owl..

A beautiful butterfly on one of the native plants.

This was one of the few lizards I saw during the vacation, I was expecting to see more.

The native plants at the zoo attracted many different butterflies and moths. I believe this one is a Sulfur..Clouded Yellow.

Another one of the pretties.  I have to find a website for native butterflies and moths of New Mexico.I hope you enjoyed the walk thru the zoo.

Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy day!

I hope you enjoyed my travel and scenic post.  I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.  

 Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate your comments. Thanks for stopping by to see my post and thanks to Linses Cotton for hosting Scenic Weekends. also thank to Alma the host @ The Tablescaper
And Keryn from Friday Postcards

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

 I am linking up with  Oh, the places I've been @ Tablescaper   and check out  Linses Cotton's  Scenic Weekend 

 Hubby and I spent a week's vacation sightseeing around New Mexico and spent 3 nights in Carlsbad. These are some scenes from inside the Carlsbad Caverns located in Carlsbad, New Mexico.

The stadium seats outside are used mainly for the bat flight in the evenings.

Exploring the Big Room. There is a paved one mile loop trail to follow and lit up to highlight some of the more decorated parts of the caverns. Access to the Big Room is either by the elevators ( descending 750 ft)  in the visitor center or walking the mile down from the Natural Entrance. We did both the Natural Entrance and the Big Room walk.

I would not want to use this ladder, do you want to try exploring new rooms? This is not it but they have one section called the Bottomless Pit. And there are some sections yet to be explored and are not open to the general public. You can pay extra to go on separate guided tours, more on the experienced level of caving or what my hubby calls spelunking.

I wanted to show the size of some of the cave formations with hubby standing somewhat next to one. It is said that 6.2 football fields could fit inside the BIG Room which totals 357,480  sq ft.

I took a lot of photos inside the caverns and I can only post so many, I would to show some of the decorations and colors. One of my favorite decorations are called Draperies.

I hope you enjoyed my travel post.  I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.  

 Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate your comments. Thanks for stopping by to see my post and thanks to Linses Cotton for hosting Scenic Weekends. also thank to Alma the host @ The Tablescaper

Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, Nov 2023

 Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, November 5-9th 2023 Hubby and I enjoyed a short getaway to Turks and Caicos. It is a British territory, close ...

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